Behind the Smiles: The Soft Yet Efficient Propaganda of Far-Right Women Influencers

Scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, one is likely to come across short videos featuring eye-catching titles. While a video of a woman dressed in traditional 1950s attire frolicking in the kitchen with the caption I used to really be into politics, but now I just relax while my husband tells me what to think might be perceived as satire by some, the prevalence of videos of this genre is growing across various social media platforms.

These clips frequently depict a peaceful housewife with many children, a masculine husband, and a seemingly perfect life. In reality, however, they are often a façade for spreading beliefs in various conspiracy theories, white supremacy, anti-government ideology, extremism, and even violence. Videos in which women are encouraged to be submissive to their husbands are intertwined with others advocating for their viewers to become crunchy (or health conscious in order to maintain white people’s racial purity and heritage), showcasing opposition to vaccinations, skepticism regarding tap water and a slew of other wellness ideas, as well as videos pushing for distrust in government, encouraging practices like homeschooling and growing one’s own food to safeguard against perceived government-led food crises.

As the NATO International Military Staff Office of the Gender Advisor underlined, these women neither the victims of far-right movements, nor are they necessarily the warm, motherly figures they present themselves to be. As it is becoming clear, they are purposely marketing themselves as such to reach new, unsuspecting followers and to spread their beliefs through mainstream social media platforms.

Far-Right Women Influencers and Feminism

Far-right women influencers portray an idealized version of their lives, often discussing topics such as dating, marriage, and motherhood within the context of their seemingly perfect families. Through these conversations, they detail their gradual disenchantment with feminism, framing it as the element that was holding them back from living a meaningful life. As a result, they encourage their followers to follow suit and leave feminism behind for this so-called better, more traditional lifestyle.

Through this soft propaganda, they underscore that by leaving feminism behind, their followers will find a network of supportive, trustworthy, and empowered women with whom they can engage. While the presented narrative can be tempting, scrutinizing the underlying messages, and not neglecting the implications of abandoning feminism are crucial.

In reality, the notion that women ought to relinquish their feminist beliefs in order to embrace a traditional lifestyle oversimplifies the complexities of personal choice and empowerment. At its core, feminism advocates for women to have the freedom to make decisions that align with their individual desires and ambitions. Portraying feminism as an obstacle to significance misrepresents its principles and subverts the progress it has made in advancing women’s rights.

Not only that, but several of these far-right women influencers are co-opting the language of empowerment while distancing themselves from feminism which ultimately works against the broader goals of equality and inclusivity.

Unveiling the Danger of Far-Right Women Influencers Through Conspiracy Theories

The continuous rise of these influencers poses important threats to societal progress and individuals’ well-being, especially through its promotion of conspiracy theories –i.e., the appeal to emotions and preconceived beliefs, which can undermine critical thinking skills and make individuals more susceptible to manipulation.

For instance, many far-right women influencers believe in white genocide –i.e., the conspiracy theory that society is purposefully erasing whiteness through immigration, racial integration, and abortion, to name a few tools. As such, they often encourage their (mostly white women) followers to counter this by having as many white children as possible, and to homeschool them in order to avoid the government-sponsored woke indoctrination of their children.

While it is true that following an influencer’s account is a far cry from joining far-right movements, followers frequently exposed to such ideas may increasingly come to believe in them and in the ideologies they espouse.

In societies that are already facing high levels of polarization, increased levels of belief in conspiracy theories can further deepen the “us versus them” mentality  and result in an erosion of trust in government , scientific institutions , and mainstream media outlets . Believing misinformation about public health issues or political events may also lead people to take actions that are detrimental to themselves, or to become disillusioned  with the ideas of political and civic engagement, leading to a decrease in democratic processes , which are essential for a healthy functioning society. Widespread belief in conspiracy theories can divert attention and resources away from real issues that need addressing. Together, polarization and a wide sense of distrust can make it difficult for societies to collaboratively address collective challenges. Finally, belief in conspiracy theories  can lead to stigmatization, discrimination, and even violence against groups that are falsely implicated in a conspiracy.


As these influencers increasingly normalize hateful ideas, it can lead to the radicalization of individuals who might not initially recognize the harmful undercurrents. Their deliberate rejection and misrepresentation of feminism as an obstacle to self-esteem, achievement, and joy both undermine the principles of gender equality and jeopardize the progress made in advancing women’s rights. Far-right women influencers weaken the feminist cause and actively work against the broader goals, such as equality, inclusivity, and intersectionality, that previous generations of women and allies have collectively worked towards. In essence, the danger lies in far-right women influencers’ mischaracterization of feminist values. Indeed, it compromises the ongoing struggle for equal rights, perpetuating and reinforcing harmful stereotypes that a woman’s fulfillment is solely derived from their adherence to traditional gender roles. This glorification of traditionalism dismisses the complexities of contemporary gender dynamics.

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